Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Post: Where I've Been, Where I Am, and Where I'm Going - and Who Am I?!

Well, this is my first post in a blog where the mission is to document my travels. As such, I figured I would say a bit about my travel fever so any readers get a sense of just how much I desire to see the world. Also, I figure you should know a bit about me. I'll start with that bit.

Who am I?
My name is Jen Borden, and I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. At the time of this writing I am 26 years old and am a Night Auditor at Courtyard by Marriott Halifax Downtown. I have a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education - Social Studies, which someday, I will put to good use. I am proud to have been educated at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, which actually led to me going on a couple of the trips you'll (hopefully) read about. I love music, movies/tv, books, and am constantly on Facebook, where you can see more details about me should you wish. Now onto the goods... travelling!

So I like to travel, but where have I actually been, you ask? Well, in order of entry, and airports count:
  1. Canada (duh, I live here)
  2. USA (first other country I went to as I departed for a cruise out of Miami, then was eduated in Maine)
  3. Mexico (first stop on cruise)
  4. Grand Cayman (second stop on cruise)
  5. Jamaica (third stop on cruise)
  6. Italy (Milan airport - if there's a story to it, it can't NOT count!)
  7. Switzerland (exchange student!)
  8. France (weekend trip to Paris)
  9. Turkey (3 days in the intriguing Istanbul, and a few hours in Kusadasi)
  10. Greece (the place that I absolutely had to see, even if I saw no others - land and cruise, and I came back with whiplash)
So far, that's where I've been and I will post stories about these previous destinations at some point. It should also be noted, that included in the Canadian travelling was my 2010 trip to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, British Columbia. I'll put up some posts about that too. =D

Where am I?
Right now, I'm living in Halifax, as stated above, and the trip I'm currently getting ready for is a two-week volunteer stint in Tanzania (East Africa).

Where am I going?
Yes, I know I just said I'm going to Tanzania, but let me elaborate: my mission in life is to see this whole world. Or, as much of it as I possibly can. My next big trip is indeed Tanzania, but after that? I may be heading back to Jamaica later this year with one of my best friends, Tamara, who is native to the rastafarian paradise but now lives in Connecticut. That is, if I can make it, aaaaand if she hasn't disowned me yet for always missing our Skype dates. In July/August of 2012, another of my best friends, Tammy, and I are hoping to head to England and France. See, she's been to England but not France, and I've been to France (well, just Paris) but not England. A week in each should catch us up, dontcha think? And then my plan as of right now is to pack up some of my belongings, put the rest in storage, and head to Korea to teach ESL, and visit other Asian nations while I'm there. And after that? Backpacking. Australia and New Zealand for a six months to a year, then Europe. And at some point, before I'm 30, I must make it to Australia via South America. That's right, before I'm 30. My goal is to visit each continent at least once before I'm 30. Why? Well, because goals need a deadline and it sounded good at the time. I think it's feasable, don't you? I've already got North America and Europe down, Africa's coming up - I think the rest will fall into place nicely.

So to sum up, I'm going places. In the keener/go-getter/ambitous sense, as well as literally, physically, going. I'll be keeping this blog updated as I go and even as I get ready to go, with my rambling and musings. Feel free to follow, subscribe, or whatever you want to do to keep reading. As you can tell, I'm always on the move so... keep up, or get out of the way! =D

Next blog: Most likely preparations for Africa and/or posts about previous trips. Stay tuned!

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