Saturday, March 12, 2011

75 Days!!!

Today marks 75 days left until I leave Boston for Tanzania, via Amsterdam. Yay!!! I thought I should celebrate this milestone (anti-milestone?) with a blog post.  

In the next 75 days, here's what I have to do: 

  1. Apply for my Visa with the Tanzania High Commission in Ottawa - this involves me obtaining a number of passport-like photos, yay of all yays. 
  2. Make sure the ends are tied up with CCS - they need a photocopy of my passport and whatnot faxed to them. I have this ready, just not sent. 
  3. Get serious about learning Swahili!!! I have several books on this on loan from the library, including a set of cds and a book. I have to get these from my parents' house to my apartment, which shouldn't be too much of a hassle. 
  4. Get my immunizations. I haven't started these yet, there wasn't as much rush as I was initially led to believe, but now time is of the essence to start my Twinrx. I will be getting the Twinrx (For Hep A and B), Yellow Fever, Polio, and Typhoid Fever shots. Luckily I don't have to have the Rabies immunization because it's $700. Yeah, I'll try to avoid that one if I can. ;) The rest are anywhere from $85 to $140 per shot. A small price to pay to stay healthy. 
  5. Get my other prescriptions. Of course I need malaria pills, but also an antibiotic in case of traveller's diarrhea. As well, because I have some gastro issues, it was recommended that I get Cipro as well. 
  6. Go shopping! I need some pj pants, a few long skirts, sandals, and I might invest in some new sneakers too.  I'm really hoping that The Gap has their Boyfriend Bermuda shorts again this year. I went back for more last summer and they were gone! BEST. SHORTS. EVER. PERIOD. 
  7. Not sure what else at this time, but probably lots. Good news is, while I was making this list, I logged into my CCS account to look at my checklist on there and got some things accomplished. =) 
I'm quite excited about this trip. A new continent, a new experience both geographically and emotionally, and I'm ready for it! Well, mentally ready. Maybe.  I know the trip is going to be far too short, but, I'll just have to go back, right? 

Signing off for now. Till next time, happy travels! 

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