Friday, March 4, 2011

Antarctica, Cruise Critic, and an Intriguing Question

A few recent happenings, and not-happenings: 

1 - Antarctica
It's no secret that I want to go to Antarctica. For a long time I had thought you could only go as part of a research team. Then a few years ago I just got it in my head that maybe there WAS a way to go, and found out that you could cruise there. My first thought was of the major cruise lines: I'm a big fan of Carnival Cruise Lines but my thought was that, like Alaska, something so majestic should be done with Princess Cruises. However, through my addiction to facebook I saw an ad for Chimu Adventures (yes, Facebook ads work!!!).  Based in Sydney, Australia, Chimu Adventures seems to be the guru of all journeys South American and Antarctican (is that a word?). They have adventure cruises leaving from Ushuaia, Argentina (the most southern city on the planet!) in a variety of lengths and options such as camping, kayaking, etc. But there are ALWAYS penguins involved. ;)  So I saw this ad, liked what I saw on the page, and became a fan. Just recently there was a contest to win a cruise to Antarctica in 2012 - right up my alley! I entered but alas, did not win. Though I was a little disappointed, the contest got me researching Chimu even more and I now have no doubts that I will use this company when I book my South America/Antarctica trip. The way it looks right now, this should be in early 2014. Side note - to look at that year makes it seem so far away, and maybe it is. But it's really only three years in my lifetime of adventure-seeking.  

Now, for those of you unfamiliar and/or curious about Antarctica, I present to you the following video from Chimu Adventures Youtube Channel. After watching this, how could you NOT want to go there? Enjoy, then read on. 

Ah, Antarctica... what a wonderful cruise that would will be. Speaking of cruises...

2 - Cruise Critic
In preparation for my trip to Africa I've decided to start waxing my legs. "What's this got to do with cruising?!" You'll see. Although I'm a little experienced with waxing er, other areas, I was googling what the pain of leg waxing is compared to what one would imagine is a more sensitive area.  Search results actually led me to a cruise review site called Cruise Critic, which has a very active forum.  Some of the ladies were on there asking about waxing before or onboard cruises, which resulted in my search results (lame pun kind of intended).  While I haven't used the site much yet, I think this will be very helpful in my future cruising endeavors. Because let's face it, though I've only yet been on two so I'm hardly an expert... I love me some cruises. So if you're new to cruising or even just want to daydream, check out this site. You can browse ports, ships, see reviews, talk to other cruisers, etc.  And to think, I found this site all because I'm going to start waxing my legs... (For the record, waxing information found was inconclusive. Do the legs hurt the same, more, or less than other areas? I guess I'll just have to find out Monday.) The waxing discussion will be updated at a later date as it most certainly has to do with travel convenience.  Till then, a question... 

3 (Final item for the day) - Intriguing Question
I am indeed a fan of Alanis Morissette. Love her, hate her, I don't really care. I think she's great (though, truth be told, her older stuff is better, more raw maybe?). Anyway, I'm a fan of her on crackbook facebook and the other day she posted this in her status: 

New Write Alanis: Share a story of how your super unique personality became obvious for the first time in the first 6 months of your life. 

Basically, Write Alanis is a feature on her website where she asks for stories each month but they have a specific request. This is March's request.  This got me thinking, and since I happened to be chez mes parents when I read the status I asked Mom (who was making a delicious cake at the time) if there was anything she could think of that was obvious about me at such a young age. While I munched on extra chocolate chips, she told me that the only thing she could think of off the top of her head, and she's sure Dad would agree, is that whenever they took me outside I had this "smile" on my face. Different than my other smiles I guess?  Later that day as I was trying to sleep, I got to thinking: are they referring to the same goofy smile I get on my face when I travel? See, the thing is... travelling is my peace. Hectic though it may be for nearly everyone else in the world, and while yes, I too have my share of annoyances at transporation delays (trains get delayed too!), in general, seeing what I see when I'm out in the world is what relaxes me. Or, just seeing outside, I guess. It doesn't have to be some worldly adventure. I've had this smile on my face as I sat in a chairlift in the Swiss Alps, this smile on my face as I stood on the Greek Acropolis and looked down upon Athens, this smile on my face as I stood in my yard while I lived in Switzerland and looked out over the rolling green and yellow patches of land. And ya know what? I get the same silly smile walking down the street here in Halifax when I'm simply enjoying my surroundings. The smile I'm thinking of is one I can't fake - it just happens when I truly appreciate seeing what I see around me. Be it still water in the country, or a bustling city street, sometimes I just have to take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of where I am. So this silly smile that Mom told me about, I wonder - is that the one? Did I just enjoy where I was at that moment in time? Quite possibly. So maybe it's not the travel, per se, but simply the ability to stop and appreciate my surroundings, wherever in the world I am, that makes me happy. Hmm, no. That may be part of it, but at the same time, I get restless if I'm not going somewhere. So what, then? After some pondering, maybe this explains it: travelling and seeing the world soothes my restless, nomadic soul, and what I see around the world and at home, simply makes me smile. 8-)

So, whoever may read this, I really have two questions for you to think about, and answer if you feel like it in the comments: 

a) How did your super unique personality become evident within the first six months of your life? Or even few early years? 
b) Here's a loaded question - what makes you smile and soothes your soul? 

Ponder that. Till next time, happy travels!

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